
Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in Elderly May Predict Amyloid Deposition

Older cognitively normal adults who tend to be sleepy during the day may be more likely to have future beta-amyloid deposition, according to a new study from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. A response to a single yes or no question was strongly associated with beta-amyloid status many years later.

Prescribe Dog Walking for Aging Patients

  • Dog walking linked to better physical health in older patients.
  • Dog walking was associated with lower body mass index, fewer limitations in activities of daily living, fewer doctor visits, and more frequent moderate and vigorous exercise.
  • Study provides evidence for the association between dog walking and physical health using a large, nationally representative sample.
  • Results based on an analysis of data from the 2012 University of Michigan Health and Retirement Study.

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