Treatment Choices in Atrial Fibrillation
It’s a Ruff Day … or, Should We Treat Our Customers Like Dogs?
Digital Marketing in Today’s Healthcare. Or Am I Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic, Again?
Seven Steps to Effective Crisis Management
If you have worked in healthcare for more than a few years, you have probably seen at least one crisis develop in your facility. Although every incident can become a crisis, there are some that happen that can have lasting effects for the facility and everyone it touches.
Preparing Staff for Initiation of Major Site Construction Projects
The excitement of opening a new unit or a department expansion is palpable. Not only is the staff excited about working in new construction and quite often utilizing new equipment, but also the statement that a new unit says to the hospital staff and community. The support of the physicians, staff, and community have allowed for the expansion/renovation of the hospital.